Friday, November 9, 2007

Photoessay #172 - Me at the party

Myself at the Changes party last Saturday. I was manning the front desk for a short time and Mark H came up to me with a big smile, took my camera out of my hands and snapped this picture of me. All done in a warm friendly manner. I'm hoping that whole family is doing better, they've had some tough times.

My new short curly haircut and even some lipstick. I'm 17 pounds lighter than previous posted pictures. You can see the flash on the left, I'm hoping I can learn to doctor these pictures.

A week later, everybody agrees that this was an extremely successful event. The expenses were low, the organization probably made over 6K. Designed as a fun party in a unique beautiful venue. I gave my pictures to Teresa F who is probably going to put them on the front of a holiday fund-raising letter. Nice refreshments, most donated. Band was entertaining, half are organization members. But mostly everybody had an enjoyable 'party' evening. Fun to go to, cost not too high, there were auction items and a small raffle but they were not the focal point. The goal was an enjoyable adult social event.

I bought Norma's Mexican dinner for 8 for $300. I participated in a similar event put on by John and Mary Ann two years ago and it was a beautiful evening. I have some great pictures from that day that I will likely post. Mark L bid it up much higher at a live auction and we went in on it. I've already given away all of the spots. Carefully? No, the next 4 people I saw, wanted in so I said yes to all of them. Actually there are now 9 people. The other was hosted at the cook's beautiful home. This one will be at another family's home. It will be very fun.

It's odd to post pictures of yourself, is it interesting or dangerous or embarrassing? Who knows?

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