Friday, November 2, 2007

Photoessay #165 - Dichotomy

I've really been enjoying the fall color with my new camera. I'm surprised at the number of pretty pictures that appear all around me. Of course, it is easier to take pictures of leaves and sunlight than of people. But I'm working on that too.

This from my back deck yesterday afternoon. The upper pink highlight is from a pink geranium hanging on. Another red pot of geraniums at center right accounts for the other pink highlight.

The side of the deck formed a natural boundary between the dark invasive ivy (I really do like ivy, if only it would grow where *I* want) and the lemon and lime hues of the leaves from the cherry and apple trees.

Not that I got any cherries or apples this year. Or that I'm at all interested in raking up all the leaves. My shadow appears in the picture.

Daylight savings ends this weekend, are we moving into the darkness of winter?

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I'm glad you're enjoying your camera. I was just thinking of how reluctant I was to go digital, and how long I waited for the prices to go down before buying my first one. Now I hardly remember the old days of film.

I always enjoy your posts. How was the mansion inside?