Thursday, October 11, 2007

Photoessay #143 - Almost Sunset at Saltwater Beach

Not quite sunset, but getting close in the early autumn at Saltwater State Beach, a small state park located within the municipal area in southern Seattle. View looking west over Puget Sound towards Vashon Island. Picture taken on my aunt's visit in early September. We ran into Saltwater State Park accidentally, we were driving south from Des Moines just to see something scenic before returning my aunt to the airport motel. We had visited this quiet beach many years before with our young children. Maybe it's more popular in the summer but not many visitors on a September evening.

The sky streaked with dark clouds broken by crystal clear pillars of light, a bit of a chill in the air, you can tell that summer has gone. Large driftwood logs washed up on the beach adorned with seaweed. The picnic tables empty and the beach deserted. Some birds wading in the Sound, I'm sure there's plenty of sea life around in the tidepools. Rays of sunshine streaming through the rent in the clouds, it's moving on towards sunset but not quite yet.

So many shades of gray blue in the Pacific Northwest. Even the light in summer is muted and blue. This seashore view on he sound broadcasts it's silvery hues on the calm water, the dark island in the distance and the leaden clouds.

We walk on the beach, climbing over the logs, quietly staring out into the Sound in the fading light.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Very cool shot. Love the blue tones. Can feel the air changing at sunset! Very cool!