Sunday, September 9, 2007

Photoessay #114 - Centered at Cross Country

Ilana ran cross country in high school. She enjoyed it quite a bit, the people the idea. It took her awhile to understand the competitive aspects, "why would I want to pass anybody" she would ask as a freshman. Not always top 7, she did make it as a junior and got to wear one of the spandex tops. She specialized at making great strides during the season winning "most improved runner" twice. She would usually start out in the beginning of the season at the end of the pack but then would work her way up. She still likes to run but it's hard to keep doing without structure. Definitely a sport for the self-motivated.

I have attended some cross-country meets, a little challenging for spectators because they all mass at the beginning, disappear into the woods and then come out some time later. You hope.

This shot is at the beginning of a large meet in 2004. Ilana, proudly sporting the spandex waits with her teammates and the other competitors. This might be the special meet held on the Oregon coast at the beach. An overnight! Ilana was also known her freshman year as the competitor who went to the Oregon meet leaving her running shoes at home. Great move! She ran that year, in Claire's pre-soaked shoes.

In this photo, she's in the mass, yet she's apart. In the center but in her own world. As always. Always taking her direction from the sky.

(ok, ok, I'm her mom so of COURSE, I know which one she is, in the center, with the green Shorecrest spandex with '3' on her bib, square to the camera , dark brown hair pulled back)

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