Saturday, August 11, 2007

Photoessay #85 - Cook's Parade

Last night Dennis and I went out to Camp R for Ilana's 21st birthday. She invited us for dinner and campfire. Not many staff members' parents come to camp, we enjoyed our status as 'honored guests'. Beautiful ride through the pastoral Snoqualmie Valley though glad that I don't have to make that trip very often. Ilana had a plum assignment of the older LIA (Leadership in Action) girls, a two week session. Her campers taped up signs on trees throughout camp made from torn construction paper announcing "Today is Styx's birthday!". Clearly she had complete devotion from her campers. Her kids had a certain fascination for us, how could we have produced their beloved Styx?

"Backwards Day" at camp featured Breakfast for Dinner with cold cereal served at the end. The kids loved that! Also, the hoppers went in the exit, involving confused but delighted Brownies.

Time for the Cooks Parade! At the end of the session or the campout the scouts honor the kitchen staff by demanding that they come out and take their bows. Traditionally the kitchen staff grab large kitchen implements (like pots and big spoons) and run through the dining hall in a line making a big metal racket accompanied by the cheers of the campers.

Ilana had some words of wisdom for her campers learned through hard experience "Never", she told them, "never prank the kitchen staff. NOT a good idea". They had pranked the CITs the day before by taking all of the recycling boxes and cans from behind the kitchen and building a castle inside their cabin. Girl Scout camps have a zany flavor about them and Ilana is the Queen of Zany. Most of the campfires she runs, usually involve her jumping in the lake. She fondly recalled that, two years ago on her birthday, she wrapped herself in saran wrap and re-enacted her own birth as a skit at campfire. Glad I wasn't there for that one.....

Below, Syx leading songs at the flag ceremony and later, the staff get together at the end of campfire to sing a special song for the campers.


Oreo said...

Spirit like that is sooooo fun! Glad you could go up to camp for that camp fire! Looks cool and comfortable not hot and sticky!

azure said...

It was very comfortable, you could wear your sweatshirt. Not hot and sticky, that doesn't happen much around here. But the walk up to the lodge both ways was quite challenging for me. Straight up!