Thursday, August 9, 2007

Photoessay #83 - In-laws in Langley

Sister and brothers-in-law walking back from an arts festival in Langley, Whidbey Island...maybe 3 weeks ago? Pretty place, Puget Sound visible in the background, not sure of the land on the other side, probably Skagit County on the mainland. A typical Western Washington scene, green, includes water. Trips often include ferries which tourists enjoy but residents complain about. But if you choose to live in an area with lots of water and islands, be grateful for the ferries!

Where did Brian EVER get that shirt? I wasn't even there because scheduling and logistic reasons, my husband snapped the picture. Summertime adults like their sunglasses.

These brothers are part of my husband's birthfamily but 21 years after reunion, what's the difference? 54 years after the adoption, his birthfamily is more intact.

Felt the need to put up another sunny summer water overlook picture. As locals say, when the temperature hits 70 "How are you dealing with the heat? But," (insert sigh here and referring to the sunny weather) "it will be over soon"

But look at the light in this picture, the big difference between here and the brilliant California of my childhood, is the nature of the light. The blue subdued sunshine contrasts sharply to the harsh yellow glare of California's Central Valley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ilana 21! I remember the surprise of her existence..that miracle pregnancy...followed by another miracle! It's terrific to see Naomi stepping up as I remember how long it took her as a toddler and youngster to reach her milestones. She is reaching some great ones now!