Thursday, August 30, 2007

Photoessay #104 - Lunch with a friend

Today, I will meet my friend L for our monthly lunch at an attractive local shopping center. Friends for over 20 years, we worked together on a research project starting in 1983. We share common interests, same age, similar education, came from the same area, kids the same age, we used to get together a lot and shared childcare. We had drifted apart as we no longer worked together, did not live close to each other and our kids grew up.

Last winter, she contacted me when she and her family experienced a difficult personal tragedy. You need personal support from your friends! So I suggested that she and I would have lunch once/month for the foreSEEable future. Like forever.

So far so good. I enjoy her company a lot and we always have a lot to talk about. Like so many in my cohort, our discussions often revolve difficulties with aging unwell parents. We all have tough journeys, hers harder than many for right now. I always look forward to these luncheons, in some ways I don't get out much. Because the weather is nice, we will meet at this same upscale shopping mall close to the university. This picture was taken at our lunch last month.

I will bring my husband's camera as I do most everywhere.....

Update with sad news...Dan Beittel passed away today, very very sad, such an important person for my whole life, intelligent, thoughtful with grace, taught me a lot. You just can't replace people like that in your life. Dennis and I will attend the memorial in California in a few weeks. I wrote about them in Photoessay #64. Dan, I would be so honored to see you on the other side.

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