Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Photoessay #69 - Powerful berries

OK, so I didn't quite get the idea of how the date thing worked on this camera when I took the picture. The colors and light look ominous because I took the picture at dusk. It could be the lesser camera, not sure.

But these blackberries are a fact of life in Western Washington. They rule everything and their powerful fruiting signal that they mean BUSINESS. Their thick strong stalks are full of stickers, they grow fast and sure. You can try to retard their progress but you cannot win, oh no, they will always have the upper hand. I had some berry stalks grow up into a tree in my backyard to a height of 15 feet, grow through the tree canopy, drop down yards from any detectable berry presence and start a patch in the middle of my yard. Where the heck did these babies COME from???

This huge patch grew by the side of the road in my neighborhood. Probably 10 feet high and 50 feet wide. However, the ripe dark berries are pretty tasty. Makes it almost worth it.

But beware, they are in your yard and they will stop at NOTHING!!


Your Mother said...

I remember blackberry bushes from my childhood on the East coast. Since they often grew on road banks (or maybe they were just easiest to see there?), I remember them fondly as dusted all over with road dirt. That didn't stop us kids from picking the berries, though! The ones inside the bush were the cleanest, tastiest!

azure said...

Thanks thinking mom,

I love the image of the inside berries, maybe that's what we are always looking for.....