Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Photoessay #68 - Earliest memory

One book I was reading about storytelling asked about your 'earliest memory'. Was it something you really remembered or something told to you. Does that matter?

My earliest memory that I can identify is 'waiting for the school bus' illustrated (likely) by this snapshot of my brother and myself. I think that this picture was taken in Southern California (the Glendora house that I don't remember). My parents moved to Sacramento when I was about 4 so maybe this is prior (around 1955). My brother is 2 and I'm 4. With my plaid dress and white socks. Why are we wearing cowboy hats? dunno.

I was very interested in the schoolbus. This was a major activity for me, I loved seeing the kids come home on the bus. Probably because I really want to go to school myself, I can't wait to be a kid on the schoolbus. My mother said we waited for the bus to come by and we would wave to the driver and the kids; watch the kids get off and the bus move on. I can imagine myself quite engrossed with this, soaking up all of the information I can see about the kids and the whole bus/school process. So much to see and process and analyze. Maybe that's why I blog now? So much in my life that I want to examine and analyze?

My brother is probably waiting for the schoolbus because I am. Likely he doesn't see the point and is waiting to go off and explore things much more important to him.

Children in the fifties....

Edit August 7. My mother says that this was taken during the 3 months that they lived in Livermore (1955 or 1956). It was a new tract house which would explain the small bushes. She doesn't think that we were waiting for the schoolbus. We were just thrilled with the cowboy hats. She didn't remember why we had the hats.


Oreo said...

Hats could be left over from Halloween or you are wesring them because you can't wait. Could have been a party earier in the day and they are left over. Could not be much older than that or Charlie would have them in sorry shape. Most likely YOU told him that this was important and he believed you for a short time. How did Mom get you to sit still?

twilite said...

Hi Azure! What a lovely picture...you look pretty and cute. I guess children living in the 50's were different from those today...I mean perception of life. Good write. Thanks.