Monday, June 18, 2007

Photoessay #31 - Flying through the air

Canada Cup 2004. Japan (a National team preparing for the Olympics) vs the Washington Blast (a US based team brought together specifically for the tournament). Washington Blast is losing to Japan pretty decisively, behind 4-0 in the 4th. Check the scoreboard.

Susanna, playing left field, leaps into the air trying to bring down a big hit from Japan. She sails high, dancing in the air. Like many softball pictures, her feet are not touching the ground. Kaleo Eldredge (an All American from Cal and a REAL character) is backing her up and I believe gets the ball after the it falls from Susanna's outstretched glove.

But look at her fly! How does she make those gravity defying leaps? Her backup goalkeeper in high school once asked her mom "How come when I jump up, I come right back down but when Suzie does it, she just stays up in the air? How does she do that?" I don't know the answer.

She had a marvelous time there that year, especially playing with those two intense players, Kaleo Eldridge and Chelsea Spencer, both from Cal. She loved playing with them; they matched her intensity of play. She played again in 2006, winning the Speed Competition semi-final. Too bad that she's not playing there this year but I understand her decision. I highly recommend the Canada Cup tournament. It's just across the border in BC at Softball City, not two hours away from us. Well-supported by the local community, the tournament features women's teams from all over the world as well as a Special Olympics co-ed tournament. There is also a tournament for younger aged girls. A local young softball player is assigned to each team as their 'batgirl' for the week. Usually comes with a dad who comes to all of the games. It's a great opportunity for the young players to get to know the more experienced players, even be in the team picture. You might get assigned to a 16A team from Saskatchewan or Team USA.

Where else do you get a chance to see international level play (featuring some of the best players in the world) at such a close venue? The juxtaposition of the extremely high level international play with the spirited enthusiastic Friendship Division tournament adds to the competitive texture. At any time, you can watch some of the world's best along with the sometimes-challenged but committed Special Olympics teams on the next field. Many who have attended Canada Cup come away transformed, not from seeing the elite athletes, but from experiencing the Friendship Division games.

Yukiko Ueno of Japan pitched at that 2004 tournament, probably in the game featured in the picture. She threw the ball harder that anybody I had ever seen. The ball whizzed by landing in the catcher's mitt with a loud thud. She has since been recognized as one of the best pitchers in the world.

The beach community of White Rock is just down the road with its long fishing pier and endless ice cream and fish and chips shops featuring biggest pieces of fish I have ever seen. Enjoy the bakery underneath the stands at Softball City. You are less than an hour from Vancouver but why go there?

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